Cape Kennedy Corvette Club
P.O.  Box 540857
Merritt Island, FL 32954

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Events Calendar

July 16th Mystery Cruise and More!
Saturday, July 16, 2016, 09:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 541

 Mystery cruise


It’s that time again!  Time for some summer fun!   

Please come join us for our mid-summer Mystery Cruise, Saturday, July 16, 2016

We will need to meet by 9:30 AM on the 16th, and we will be traveling NORTH via I-95.   If you live towards the south end of our area please plan to leave early enough to join the rest of the group which will be departing at 9:45 AM.   Plan to arrive early enough to sign the waivers and to get your cheat sheet.

Please note, this is a progressive cruise.  We will be leaving our first stop and, after lunch, journeying to a second place.   Allow time in your schedule.  See the flyer above for some hints.

I will scout out a good meeting place not too far off of I-95 for easy on/off and will advise you of the meeting place before the 16th.   

Please let me know if you are planning to cruise with us not later than July 12th so that I can advise the restaurant how many to plan for.  RSVP Janice Greene   

As a side note(or a hint), make those cars shiny…..  we want everyone to pay attention to us!


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