Cape Kennedy Corvette Club
P.O.  Box 540857
Merritt Island, FL 32954

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Events Calendar

7th Annual Sebring Thunder
From Friday, September 16, 2016 -  08:00am
To Sunday, September 18, 2016 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1634

Sebring's Premier Car Show

Cars enthusiasts from all over Florida can enjoy up to 3 days in Sebring at the Sebring Thunder event.  There's something for every car enthusiast here, including a burnout, Saturday car show with trophies, vendors, music, beer,  food and the finale event - Sunday laps around the track for show entrants.

Show Attendance - Free for spectators. Come see the cars, listen to the live band and have some lunch. You may find some accessories for your own car from some of the vendors.

Car Show Registration: package deal per car includes show, laps around the Sebring International Raceway on Sunday, burnout competition (Friday night) entry (if desired - or just watch) BBQ dinner at the awards poolside cookout and a free T-Shirt if you register before Aug 15.

Early discounted registration - before July 30th, $30/
Registration before August 15th includes a T-Shirt $35 /
August 16th & after T-shirt not included $40

2016 Car Show Includes: to all the entry classes.

Click here for more information

Location Sebring, FL
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